In a recent paper in Sciences Advances, researchers from the University of Amsterdam, with a contribution of ARCNL group leader Bart Weber, present new experimental insight into how lubrication works.
Group leader Oscar Versolato has been awarded tenure. He will be employed by Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, partner of ARCNL, as ‘Universitair Hoofddocent’ (Associate Professor) while working as permanent group …
The European Research Council has awarded Stefan Witte with an ERC Consolidator Grant for his proposal entitled “Seeing the invisible: light-based 3D imaging of opaque nanostructures”. Witte is an associate …
As of October 1, Lyuba Amitonova has been appointed as a tenure-track group leader at ARCNL. Earlier this year, she has been awarded a WISE grant from NWO supporting her …
As of September 1st, Bart Weber has been appointed as tenure-track group leader of the Contact Dynamics group at ARCNL, through an appointment as assistant professor at the Institute of …
Last week two ARCNL students won prizes for their contribution to international conferences. At the ELENA conference in Leuven (Belgium) Neha Thakur got the prize for Best Student Talk. Thakur …
ARCNL and UvA postdoc Bart Weber (Contact Dynamics group) has been awarded a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for his proposal ‘Friction on demand: To slide or …
HIGHLIGHT ”For the first time, I feel I am doing research that has an impact. It is very rewarding. I am confident that we are developing materials that can be …
On June 21st Mart Johan Deuzeman successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘Generation and interactions of energetic tin ions’ at the University of Groningen. Deuzeman did his doctoral research in the …