prof.dr. Paul Planken

CV / Biography
Paul Planken obtained his MSc in physics on Light-Induced Drift in Na-Noble gas mixtures at Leiden University in the Netherlands and obtained his PhD from the University of Amsterdam on the genaration and application of mid-infrared picosecond laser pulses. He then spent two years doing postdoctoral research at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel NJ, on the generation of terahertz pulses from semiconductor heterostructures. After his return to the Netherlands he worked at the free-electron-laser facility FELIX for five years where he performed far-infrared time-resolved experiments on semiconductors before moving to the University of Technology Delft where he was appointed Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor in 2008. In Deltt he concentrated on the generation, detection, and application of terahertz pulses. In 2014 he moved to the Advanced Research Centre for NanoLithography in Amsterdam where he is currently working on light-induced damage, photoacoustics, and terahertz emission spectroscopy. Paul Planken is a NWO VICI laureate and a Fellow of Optica (formerly: the OSA).