dr. Oscar Versolato

CV / Biography
Oscar Versolato received his PhD cum laude from the University of Groningen, funded by an NWO Toptalent grant, on the laser spectroscopy of trapped radioactive ions that were produced by the AGOR cyclotron at KVI. As a post-doc he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg to work with PD. José Crespo López-Urrutia and Prof. Joachim Ullrich on the spectroscopy of highly charged ions (HCI) employing electron beam ion traps (EBIT), and on the cooling of such HCI into strongly coupled, Coulomb-crystallized plasmas in a cryogenic radiofrequency ion (Paul) trap. Part of the work was performed at Aarhus University with Prof. Michael Drewsen, working on cold plasmas of molecular ions in such traps, as well as at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig to work with Prof. Piet Schmidt.
Having started as a post-doc at ARCNL in October 2014, Oscar set up the experiments of the EUV Plasma Processes group which he heads since 2017. His present research interests include efficient plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation, droplet deformation and fragmentation after laser pulse impact, physics of highly charged ions, and spectroscopy. He was awarded the 2016 NWO Vidi research grant, as well as the 2018 ERC Starting and 2022 ERC Consolidator grant. He is the head of the Source Department at ARCNL.