dr. Emilia Olsson

CV / Biography
Emilia Olsson received her PhD from University College London (United Kingdom) in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Nora H de Leeuw where she developed a materials design framework to discover novel complex oxide materials for solid oxide fuel cells. After her PhD, she moved to the University of Surrey where she joined the group of Prof. Qiong Cai as a Research Fellow in Battery Materials Modelling. During this time, she also joined the groups of Prof. Maria-Magdalena Titirici at Imperial College London and Prof. Alan Drew at Queen Mary University of London as a visiting researcher. This work was part of a UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund project on sodium-ion batteries, where her atomic scale modelling guided the experimental development of new carbon materials for next-generation batteries and gave mechanistic insights into the observed cycling behaviour.
Having started as a group leader at ARCNL in September 2021, Emilia initiated the Materials Theory and Modelling group, expanding the Materials Department. She is also an assistant professor in Condensed Matter Theory at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) at the University of Amsterdam. Since 2022, she holds an NWO Wise Fellowship. Her primary research interest is in atomic scale materials design, using complementary computational modelling techniques to elucidate the atomic scale processes for complex materials in close collaboration with experiment, with a special focus on understanding how disorder, defects, and non-epitaxial interfaces affect materials properties.