At the 2018 Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging conference, ARCNL PhD student Mengqi Du has won the Best Student Paper Award. Du received the prize in recognition of her paper …
ARCNL group leader Oscar Versolato has received a Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC uses the Starting Grants to support talented scientists …
ARCNL group leader Peter Kraus has been awarded a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for his proposal ‘Shining ultrafast light on ultrasmall chips.’ Kraus started …
As of May 1, Peter Kraus has been appointed as tenure-track group leader at ARCNL. He will lead a program to develop extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources from high-harmonic generation and …
In the past six months, all institutes of NWO were evaluated according to the Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP) of NWO, KNAW, and VSNU. And although ARCNL is still in its …
The concept of friction was already investigated five hundred years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. His most important result, the proportionality of friction to the normal force, is still used …
ARCNL proudly presents the 6th newsletter of the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL) with highlights of the past six months. ARCNL wishes you a wonderful Christmas and a happy …
NWO has awarded three talented female scientists a WISE grant. Dr. Larissa Juschkin has received an appointment at the Advanced Research Centre for Nanolithography ARCNL, Dr. Kristina Ganzinger at the …
Six new ‘Perspectief’ programs have been given the green light by NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The programs should lead to a new 3D printer for large metal components, …
On Wednesday, 18 October, 2017 at 4.15 pm, ARCNL PhD student Pavel Antonov will defend his PhD thesis on new methods to drastically lower friction and wear by the use …