Group leader Peter Kraus is one of the fifteen technical talents (Techniektalenten) of 2020 in the Netherlands, that were identified by the Dutch technical journal De Ingenieur. Fundamental science research …
De jaarlijkse open dag op zaterdag 3 oktober was dit jaar een online editie op ZOOM. Wim Symens (ASML) en Joost Frenken (ARCNL) gaven een lezing over computer- en geheugenchips …
The Contact Dynamics group has installed a new commercial Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) system for the characterization of surface topography and material properties at the nanoscale. The purchased Bruker Innova …
In the lab for Materials and Surface Science for EUV Lithography the long awaited setup for thin-film growth using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has recently been installed. The new setup …
In a well-attended Zoom-session for all employees of ARCNL, Pim Stalenhoef from the company MonitorGroep presented the results of the Working Conditions Survey that his company conducted in May among …
Researchers at ARCNL have found a way to detect nanostructures buried under many layers of opaque material, using very high frequency sound waves induced by light. Their findings are promising …
After several months of strongly reduced presence, due to the corona crisis, 1 July marked the point where ARCNL was back to admitting 50% of its people in the Matrix …
Yesterday, ASML published on their website a very interesting story about Arie den Boef’s research: The future of metrology is powered by algorithms. Den Boef developed YieldStar metrology and is …
In June two PhD students of ARCNL successfully defended their theses at the University of Amsterdam. Because of the Covid-19 measures their PhD defenses were held online through ZOOM. On …