Extreme ultraviolet light (EUV light) does not naturally occur on earth, but it can be produced. In the latest nanolithography machines, that is realized using an immensely hot tin plasma.
Researchers at ARCNL and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have developed a compact setup for fast, super-resolution microscopy through an ultrathin fiber. Using smart signal processing, they beat the theoretical limits of …
Over the years, the focus of the research group of Paul Planken has shifted so much that its original name EUV Targets group no longer reflects the scientific focus of …
Recently, group leader Stefan Witte was interviewed on his research by LaserFocusWorld. You can read the article High-harmonic generation sources enables ultraviolet lensless imaging here.
The scientific advisory committee (SAC) members act as critical friends who provide us with valuable feedback on our science and our organization and help us to recognize immediate and future …
In the annual article writing competition of the Dutch Journal of Physics (NTvN) former PhD student Matthijs Jansen got second place with his article ‘The color of X-ray radiation’. Jansen …
ARCNL has closed its offices and labs for all visitors due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We will be closed until further notice. We can be reached by e-mail: arcnlsecretariaatATarcnl.nl. All employees …
Controlling the properties of light is of great importance for many areas of physics, including imaging and nanolithography. But for short wavelengths, such as soft-X-ray radiation, such control over especially …
“We were amazed that we could see light shine through a sheet of liquid tin”, says group leader Oscar Versolato. The EUV Plasma Processes group at ARCNL studies tin microdroplets …
Group leader and department head Sonia Castellanos (EUV Photoresists) has been offered a position at the American photoresist company Inpria. Castellanos has accepted the offer and will leave ARCNL by …