Start of two new tenure track group leaders
On September 1st ARCNL welcomes two new tenure track group leaders: Emilia Olsson and John Sheil. Both of them have been appointed at an ARCNL partner university, respectively at the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit.
With her group Materials Theory and Modeling, Olsson focuses on atomic-scale modeling of solid-state materials and materials discovery. For novel lithography technologies, materials are pushed to extreme limits, which requires atomic level understanding in order to predict, comprehend, and control their properties.
Using cutting-edge density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) modeling techniques, the group will conduct simulations of bulk, surface, thin-films, and interface systems to explore and design novel materials for EUV lithography. These atomic-scale insights will enable novel candidate materials, and breakdown/performance limiting mechanisms in current materials, to be identified, leading to the development of improved materials for EUV lithography.

John Sheil
Sheil’s group Plasma Theory and Modeling focuses on research of the fundamental operating principles of laser-driven extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light source plasmas using a combination of analytical modeling and numerical simulations. These plasmas lie at the heart of EUV lithography machines, producing intense bursts of EUV radiation that are used to print nanometer-scale features on silicon wafers. Plasma modeling in this context is a multifaceted task, encompassing topics in laser-plasma interaction, atomic processes in plasmas, equation-of-state physics as well as plasma expansion dynamics. The group will perform research in these areas by developing and employing analytical models and large-scale computer simulations. The ultimate goal is to develop a truly predictive modeling toolkit to provide key insights for accelerating the understanding and development of laser-driven plasma sources of EUV light for nanolithography.