ARCNL group leader Oscar Versolato has been awarded a NWO Vidi grant. This grant enables Versolato to study the physics of plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light for nanolithography.
The American Physical Society (APS) has elected ARCNL group leader and VU professor Wim Ubachs as APS Fellow. Each year the APS elects a very small percentage of its members …
A study into the acceleration and deformation of microscopically small tin drops by an intense laser pulse resulted in the first scientific publication from the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography …
On October 1st, ARCNL appointed Oscar Versolato as tenure track group leader of the new research group Atomic Plasma Processes. The group studies the atomic processes involved in the generation …
ARCNL researchers recently generated plasma in the ARCNL extreme ultraviolet (EUV) generating source. The researchers used a powerful laser beam to hit a number of small indium-tin droplets turning them …
Wim Ubachs was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million Euro for his proposal “Physics Beyond the Standard Model from Molecules”. Ubachs will use his grant to measure very …