Oscar Versolato starts new research group “Atomic Plasma Processes”
On October 1st, ARCNL appointed Oscar Versolato as tenure track group leader of the new research group Atomic Plasma Processes. The group studies the atomic processes involved in the generation of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, and beyond-EUV (BEUV) light in laser produced plasmas. Of particular interest is the understanding of the temporal en spatial variation in the emission of light by highly charged tin ions in such plasmas.
Oscar Versolato received his PhD cum laude from the University of Groningen, funded by an NWO Toptalent grant, on the laser spectroscopy of trapped radioactive ions. As a post-doc he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg to work on highly charged ions (HCI) in strongly coupled, Coulomb-crystallized plasmas. Starting as a post-doc at ARCNL in October 2014, he set up the experiments of the EUV Plasma Dynamics group. His current work concerns the spectroscopy of tin-HCI as well as the interaction of pulsed laser light with micro-droplets of molten tin. In addition to heading the new Atomic Plasma Processes group, Versolato has also been appointed as joint group leader of the EUV Plasma Dynamics group.

Oscar Versolato