Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography

2024 marks ARCNL’s 10th anniversary: a decade of fundamental and excellent science in nanolithography


21st International Highly Charged Ions Conference will come to the Netherlands
September 2-6, 2024
Call for abstracts and registration are now open for HCI-21!

Latest news

  • PhD Defense Klaas Bijlsma

    PhD Defense Klaas Bijlsma

    Klaas Bijlsma successfully defended his PhD thesis at the University of Groningen on June 18th. Klaas worked as a PhD student in the research group…

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  • Peter Kraus takes next step towards application with ERC Proof of Concept grant

    The research group of Peter Kraus receives an ERC Proof of Concept grant amounting 150 k€ to bring the innovation of Kraus’ ERC Starting grant…

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  • Evaluation committee presents final report

    Professor Guus Rijnders (chair) at the site visit on November 10th. Credits photo: ARCNL Like all other NWO-I institutes, ARCNL took part in a SEP…

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  • Writing conductive structures with lasers

    It was a serendipitous finding that led ARCNL/UvA PhD researcher Lorenzo Cruciani to the discovery of a new method to directly write patterns of ruthenium…

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Upcoming events

    • October 5, 2024
    • at ARCNL, Science Park 106, 1098 XG Amsterdam
    • Announcement

    Wetenschapsdag (Science Day) 2024

    ARCNL doet mee aan de Wetenschapsdag (Science Day) Amsterdam Science Park. We geven een kijkje achter de schermen in het…

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One year into partnership University of Groningen

How is it going and what to expect?

The University of Groningen joined the ARCNL public-private partnership as associate partner on January 1st, 2022. ARCNL group leader Ronnie Hoekstra and governing board member Caspar van der Wal reflect on the route towards this newly established partnership and on the challenges and advantages it offers.

Read more about the partnership between ARCNL and the University of Groningen (RUG)