New position for Stefan Witte
ARCNL group leader Stefan Witte (EUV Generation & Imaging) has accepted a new position outside ARCNL. He has become professor at Delft University of Technology. Stefan will remain attached to ARCNL as a guest for the time being. This enables him to continue as supervisor of the PhD students in his group. Stefan’s role as head of the Metrology Department will go to Peter Kraus (High Harmonic Generation & EUV Science). He has started as department head on July 1st.
Farewell symposium
To say goodbye to Stefan, ARCNL organizes a Farewell symposium on February 26th. The symposium will feature speakers reflecting on Stefan’s past, present and future research achievements, including his pioneering work on optical imaging technology to visualize three-dimensional structures at small scales. The symposium is open to everybody. More information and registration on our website.

Looking back Stefan says: “I have had a marvelous time at ARCNL. Being part of such a unique institute from the onset, and seeing it grow in size and reputation, has been a great experience. The TU Delft now offers me a different, exciting new opportunity. There is such a wide variety of applied research and engineering in which imaging technology plays a role, and it will be really interesting to connect my research to different fields. Training new generations of scientists and engineers in optics will be important in the coming years, and I am looking forward to that part too. ARCNL has been a great place for me and my group, and I am very thankful to the institute and all the people for creating such a good atmosphere for doing science.”