Niklas Ottosson starts new research group “EUV Photoemission”
As of August 1, Niklas Ottosson has been appointed as tenure track group leader at ARCNL and AMOLF. The start of the EUV Photoemission group marks the start of a joint research program of AMOLF and ARCNL.
The EUV Photoemission group will use various experimental approaches in the field of photoelectron spectroscopy/microscopy. The group will study the microscopic properties of materials and processes related to extreme ultraviolet (EUV) nanolithography where the emission of electrons is playing a key role. The techniques will further be used to study the molecular structure of liquid surfaces of technological, biological and environmental importance.
Niklas Ottosson performed his PhD work at Uppsala University between 2007-2011. He used synchrotron radiation-based X-ray spectroscopies to study the electronic and geometrical structure of aqueous solutions and their surfaces. These experiments were performed at various international synchrotron facilities, such as BESSY-II in Berlin and MAX-lab in Lund. In the end of 2011 he came to AMOLF as a post-doc on an ERC Marie Curie grant to work in the group of Huib Bakker. At AMOLF he has continued his studies of aqueous systems using a complementary set of low-frequency ultrafast spectroscopies. His work has lately focused on problems related to proton transfer dynamics under nano-confinement and biomolecular hydration.

Niklas Ottosson