Matrix VII: next step in long-term housing of ARCNL
On Wednesday, November 16th FOM Director Christa Hooijer and Geert Haksteen (Managing Director of Matrix Innovation Center) signed a contract to lay down the terms for the customization of the- labs of ARCNL in the new Matrix VII building. ARCNL will be a tenant in this building that is expected to be ready in the first half of 2018.
The ARCNL labs in Matrix VII have to meet various stringent requirements in order to accommodate the delicate and advanced experimental set-ups of ARCNL. For instance, in spite of the nearby train tracks and the busy road, mechanical vibrations need to be kept to a minimum inside ARCNL laboratories to enable experiments at the nanometer scale. Also the temperature and humidity need to be kept at a constant level for ARCNL’s advanced laser experiments. In the contract the requirements and contribution of ARCNL for the customization are laid down.

Geert Haksteen, managing director Matrix Innovation Center (right) and Christa Hoooijer, director FOM (left) signing the contract