
Bart Weber revisits Leonardo da Vinci’s friction law

Published on March 2, 2018
Categories Contact Dynamics, Nanophotochemistry

The concept of friction was already investigated five hundred years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. His most important result, the proportionality of friction to the normal force, is still used extensively today. UvA researchers, in collaboration with colleagues from Germany, have now shown that nevertheless, Da Vinci’s relation does not always accurately describe reality. Their results have been published in Nature Communications on March 1, 2018.

Two ARCNL researchers are involved in this publication of the UvA-group of prof. Daniel Bonn. First author Bart Weber is now postdoc in the Contact Dynamics group where he investigates the fundamental aspects of contact and friction forces that silicon wafers experience in lithography machines. The article in Nature Communications is part of his PhD thesis work at the UvA. Also the UvA-group of Prof. Fred Brouwer, head of the Nanophotochemistry group at ARCNL, provided an essential contribution to this publication.

Read the UvA press release