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Workshop on Low-energy electrons: lithography, imaging and soft matter (LEELIS-II)

Date 10 November 2016 - 11 November 2016
Category Workshop

We are pleased to announce LEELIS-II, a unique platform to focus on the role of low-energy electrons in imaging and nanolithography. Following the success of the first LEELIS workshop in 2014, we address the interactions between low-energy electrons and soft matter from different perspectives. We will bring together experts from complementary fields such as condensed matter physics, EUVL, low-energy electron microscopy and engineering to come to novel insights on the physics of low-energy electrons, and the chemistry they induce.

The program of the workshop is built around invited lectures, student lectures (selected from the submitted abstracts) and poster presentations, and will allow ample time for discussions.

Registration and abstract submission are open: check the Workshop website on

Location: Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

The sixth meeting of Work Group 1 of COST Action CM1301 (CELINA) and the kick off meeting of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Low energy ELEctron driven chemistry for the advantage of emerging NAno-fabrication methods (ELENA) are organized on November 8 and 9, 2016, prior to LEELIS-II.

More information on CELINA and ELENA