Solid-State-Laser-Produced Microdroplet-Tin Plasma Sources of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation

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Reference L. Behnke, R. Schupp, Z. Bouza, J. Scheers, J. Sheil, R. Hoekstra, W.M.G. Ubachs and O.O. Versolato: Solid-State-Laser-Produced Microdroplet-Tin Plasma Sources of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS), paper EF2A.2, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), 2020.
Groups Ion Interactions, EUV Plasma Processes, Plasma Theory and Modeling

Laser-produced tin plasmas are used for the generation of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light for state-of-The-Art nanolithography. Currently, CO2-gas lasers operating at 10-micrometer wavelength are used to drive the EUV-emitting plasma but with further developments regarding their output power, solid-state lasers operating at shorter, mid-infrared wavelengths may present a viable alternative. Such novel laser systems may provide a significantly higher efficiency in converting electrical power to laser light. We use an extensive diagnostic toolset to characterize and understand the physics of solid-state-laser-driven plasma light sources at the atomic level. © 2020 OSA – The Optical Society. All rights reserved.