Parallel Acquisition of Multiple Images Using Coherence Gating in Off-Axis Dark-Field Digital Holographic Microscope for Semiconductor Metrology

Publication date
Reference C. Messinis, T.T.M. van Schaijk, V.T. Tenner, J.F. de Boer, S. Witte and A.J. den Boef: Parallel Acquisition of Multiple Images Using Coherence Gating in Off-Axis Dark-Field Digital Holographic Microscope for Semiconductor Metrology In: Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, paper CF4C.6, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), 2020.
Groups Computational Imaging, EUV Generation & Imaging

We present an Off-Axis dark-field digital holographic microscope capable of parallel acquisition of multiple holograms. With this microscope we aim to measure overlay (OV) with sub-nanometer precision and milli-second acquisition times over large wavelength range.