Lightweight super-resolution multimode fiber imaging with regularized linear regression

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Reference M. Lipp, W. Li, K. Abrashitova, P. Forré and L.V. Amitonova, Lightweight super-resolution multimode fiber imaging with regularized linear regression, Opt. Express 32, (9), 15147-15155 (2024)
Group Nanoscale Imaging and Metrology

Super-resolution multimode fiber imaging provides the means to image samples quickly with compact and flexible setups finding many applications from biology and medicine to material science and nanolithography. Typically, fiber-based imaging systems suffer from low spatial resolution and long measurement times. State-of-the-art computational approaches can achieve fast super-resolution imaging through a multimode fiber probe but currently rely on either per-sample optimised priors or large data sets with subsequent long training and image reconstruction times. This unfortunately hinders any real-time imaging applications. Here we present an ultimately fast non-iterative algorithm for compressive image reconstruction through a multimode fiber. The proposed approach helps to avoid many constraints by determining the prior of the target distribution from a simulated set and solving the under-determined inverse matrix problem with a mathematical closed-form solution. We have demonstrated theoretical and experimental evidence for enhanced image quality and sub-diffraction spatial resolution of the multimode fiber optical system.