Extreme ultraviolet patterning of tin-oxo cages

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2257911
Reference J. Haitjema, Y. Zhang, M. Vockenhuber, D. Kazazis, Y. Ekinci and A.M. Brouwer: Extreme ultraviolet patterning of tin-oxo cages In: Proc. SPIE 10143, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography VIII /ed. E.M. Panning and K.A. Goldberg, SPIE., 2017. - pp. 1014325: 1-10 (Proceedings SPIE;)

We report on the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) patterning performance of tin-oxo cages: molecular building blocks that are known to turn insoluble upon EUV exposure, thus having the properties of a negative tone photoresist. In this work, we focus on contrast curves of the materials using open-frame EUV exposures and their patterning capabilities using EUV interference lithography. It is shown that baking steps, such as post-exposure baking (PEB) can significantly affect both the sensitivity and contrast in the open-frame experiments as well as the patterning experiments. In addition, we show that the exchange of the anions of the cage can make a difference in terms of their physical properties. Our results demonstrate the significance of process optimization while evaluating the resist performance of novel molecular materials.