dr. Wim van der Zande

CV / Biography
Wim van der Zande studied physics (1984, cum laude) and biochemistry (1985, cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. He received his PhD cum laude on a topic from chemical physics from the University of Amsterdam on research performed at AMOLF (1988). As Post-doctoral fellow he moved to Stanford University in the group of Prof Richard N. Zare on a “chemical” reactive collisions subject.
In 1990, he joined the staff of AMOLF contributing to molecular physics and atmospheric physics and joining the management team in 1998. In 2003 he moved his research to the Radboud University Nijmegen as full professor in experimental physics. From 2007-2014 his group realized a FIR Free Electron Laser, which was connected to the magnets in the High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML). This FLARE laser formed the starting point of the FELIX facility, combining a number of (F)IR FELS covering the 3 – 3000 micron wavelength range.
In 2014 van der Zande moved to ASML Research as Director of Research covering physics and chemistry. In 2019 he moved on to the D&E department with an innovation program for the Source Laser. At the end of 2022, he moved to ARCNL as interim director which was converted early 2023 to the appointment as general Director of ARCNL.