Roy van der Linden

CV / Biography
Roy van der Linden received his bachelor’s degree in physics and astronomy (2021), doing his thesis and an internship on high harmonic generation in mixed gases under supervision of Dr. Sylvianne D.C. Roscam Abbing and Dr. Peter Kraus. Thereafter, he completed the Advanced Matter and Energy Physics track of the master physics (2023). Both bachelor’s and master’s degree were done under a joint degree program of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His final master project was part of a collaboration between the Soft Matter Group of the University of Amsterdam and the Physics of Fluids group of the University of Twente, supervised by Dr. Jelle Will and Dr. Mazi Jalaal. Here, Roy experimentally investigated the dynamics of rising and settling angular particles in still fluids.
In April 2023 Roy started at ARCNL in the HHG and EUV science group of Dr. Peter Kraus where his research is focussed on increasing high harmonic generation conversion efficiency in gases, using multi-colour fields.