dr. Marjan Fretz

CV / Biography
Marjan Fretz studied Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (1996-2001) in Leiden. She obtained her PhD degree from Utrecht University in 2007 for the thesis ‘Strategies to improve intracellular drug delivery by targeted liposomes’. The work of her thesis was performed at the department of Pharmaceutics of Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS) and the Welsh School of Pharmacy of Cardiff University. After a short post-doc period, Marjan moved in 2008 to Technologiestichting STW (now NWO / Dutch Research Council) and worked for several years as a program officer. In this function, Marjan was responsible for the program management of several granting instruments. In addition, Marjan was involved from the start and with execution of the NanoNextNL program, a large Dutch national research and technology program (total funding 250 Meuro). As of September 2015, Marjan works at ARCNL as institute manager.