dr. Manos Kechaoglou

CV / Biography
Emmanouil Kechaoglou studied physics at the University of Ioannina, Greece. His PhD diploma was completed at the Atomic and Molecular physics Laboratory of University of Ioannina, under the supervision of Prof. Constantine Kosmidis. His PhD thesis revolves around the dissociative dynamics and coupled electronic-nuclear motion of water isotopologues, induced by strong field ionization using near-IR composite fields. He defended his thesis on December 2021 and continued working in the molecular dynamics field, where he performed some studies on the dynamics of small aromatic molecules (nitro-toluenes). In parallel he got a scholarship and worked on the statigraphy (the layered nature) of paintings using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in conjunction with other experimental techniques.
Emmanouil moved in the Netherlands in October 2023 where he started working as a Post-doc Researcher on partially developing a metrology method for structured surfaces and aims to upgrade it in order to simultaneously study the dynamics of targets with intriguing composition and physical structure.