dr.ir. Jan Verhoeven

CV / Biography
Jan Verhoeven is guest scientist in the group Nanolayers of the ARCNL.
In 1970 he obtained his masters degree in Technical Physics at the Technical University Delft. He started his professional career in 1970 at AMOLF as leader of the Vacuum Technology Laboratory; in 1984 the group changed its focus to thin films. An important part of the experimental efforts concerned the fundamental research on growth and ion induced modification of ultra-thin films of nm thickness. A major part of the efforts was focussed on Mo/Si multilayers for reflective optics in EUV Lithography. Verhoeven was the first to demonstrate promising improvements in reflectivity achieved by ion-induced smoothing of the silicon surface. This can be considered as the onset to successive applied research in the development of soft X-ray reflection by Mo/Si multilayers. His contribution in this field resulted in 2005 in his PhD degree in Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven.
The activities of the group extended to the growth of metal islands on oxidic supports and their application in chemistry as well as plasmon excitation. In 2003, as a result of these activities, the group was renamed in Nano Fabrication Laboratory. At the end of 2006 Verhoeven became involved in a project on double break damage of DNA using soft x-ray radiation in the group Cell Biology of Ron van Noorden at AMC. This collaboration has continued after Verhoeven his retirement.
After his retirement in 2007 Verhoeven also continued his activities as consultant in the XUV Focus group of Fred Bijkerk (UT), consultant at AMOLF in the group of Marc Vrakking and as guest scientist at Interface Physics Group of Joost Frenken (Leiden University).
During his career Verhoeven collaborated with many other groups. From 1994 to 1998 he was the coordinator of the EC network: “Nano-scale Structures of Multilayer systems for X-Ray Optics”. This network included 9 other institutes and university groups. Participants came from The Netherlands, France, Germany, England and Portugal.
Together with Jom Luiten of the TUE, experiments were conducted on the generation of Cherenkov radiation in the regime of soft X-rays. He participated in theoretical considerations and subsequent publications to generate diffuse radiation in the soft x-ray region by Zhyrair Gevorkian (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia). With Joost Frenken (Leiden University) and Onno Gijzeman (University Utrecht) Verhoeven collaborated in metal cluster formation on supports. He was also involved in deposition of hydroxyapatite to be applied in bone implants by John Jansen (Nijmegen University). Collaboration with Philips Research groups (Jozeph Braat, Dick de Boer, Thijs Viegers) resulted in 3 patents.
Verhoeven was member of the board of the Dutch Vacuum Society (NEVAC), member of the organising committee of IVC 12, member of the program committee of IVC 17, Chairman of ECOSS 1, Chairman of the educational committee NEVAC, Chairman of the Thin Film Division of IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications) and Chairman of the program committee of the International Conference of Thin Films (ICTF). He became honorary member of the NEVAC and was appointed Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
During his career Verhoeven’s scientific interest developed from surface science to thin film growth, followed by metal cluster formation, plasmon interaction, generation of soft x-rays by interaction of relativistic electrons and matter and interaction of soft x-rays with DNA. It should be mentioned that while his interest especially concerned fundamental physics, he nevertheless participated in 10 patents.
Recent publications of Jan Verhoeven:
- J. Bosgra, L.W. Veldhuizen, E. Zoethout, J. Verhoeven, R. Loch, A.E. Yakshin, and F. Bijkerk, Thin Solid Films, 542, (2013) 210–213 (Interactions of C in a Mo and Si environment)
- J. Bosgra, J. Verhoeven, R.W.E. van de Kruijs, A.E. Yakshin, F. Bijkerk, Thin Solid Films 522 (2012) 228 (Non-constant diffusion characteristics of nanoscopic Mo-Si interlayer growth)
- Jeroen Bosgra,, Erwin Zoethout, Ad M. J. van der Eerden, Jan Verhoeven, Robbert W. E. van de Kruijs, Andrey E. Yakshin, and Fred Bijkerk, Applied optics, 51 (2012) 8541-8548 (Structural properties of sub nanometer thick Y layers in EUV multilayer mirrors)
- V.I.T.A. de Rooij-Lohmann, A.E. Yakshin, E. Zoethout, J. Verhoeven, and F. Bijkerk, Appl. Surf. Sci., 257 (2011) 6251 (Reduction of interlayer thickness by low-temperature deposition of Mo/Si multilayer mirrors for X-ray reflection)
- Juequan Chen, Eric Louis, Jan Verhoeven, Rob Harmsen, Chris J. Lee, Monika Lubomska, Maarten van Kampen, Willem van Schaik and Fred Bijkerk, Apl Surf. Sci, 257 (2010 november) 354-361 (Carbon contamination monitoring of EUV optics by measuring secondary electron yield)
- Carel van Oven, Przemek M. Krawczyk, Jan Stap, Arline M. Melo, Maria H. Piazzetta, Angelo Gobbi, Henk A. van Veen, Jan Verhoeven and Jacob A. Aten, Eur J Biophysics, 38 6 (2009) 721 (A soft X-ray multi microbeam irradiation system for studies of DNA damage responses in a live cell microscopy system)