Hugo França

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CV / Biography

Hugo França studied computer science and computational mathematics at the State University of São Paulo, where he received his bachelor (2015) and master (2018). He obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics in 2023 at the University of São Paulo (USP), with a 1-year collaboration at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) as a visiting student. In his PhD, he worked on numerical methods for the flows of highly deformable non-Newtonian droplets, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cassio Oishi (USP) and Prof. Dr. Maziyar Jalaal (UvA). 

In June 2024, Hugo began a collaborative PostDoc between the UvA and the ARCNL, where he is a member of the EUV Plasma Processes group led by Oscar Versolato. His ARCNL research is focused on numerically simulating and understanding the laser-induced deformation of a tin droplet. At the UvA, as part of the FluidLab group of Maziyar Jalaal, he continues his work on the flows of non-Newtonian droplets.