NWO funding OTP project Peter Kraus

ARCNL group leader and VU associate professor Peter Kraus has received funding from the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences for the OTP project entitled ‘Integrated nanophotonic and extreme-ultraviolet access to semiconductor metrology’ (NANOXUV). The OTP program is open to excellent research aimed at the possible implementation of the results. It enables companies and other organizations to become involved in scientific research that leads to usable knowledge. NWO has assigned 1 million euro to the NANOXUV project.
The miniaturization of microelectronics continues to advance at a rapid pace. This makes it increasingly difficult to visualize the smallest produced structures. Being able to see these structures is crucial to help make computer chips faster and their production more efficient, and thus more sustainable. In NANOXUV the researchers will develop novel short-wavelength light sources that visualize the structures. Furthermore, they will embark on designing tailor-made structures that emit short-wavelength radiation themselves, which encodes structural parameters of the generating structure.
Peter Kraus is thrilled to start his research project together with co-applicant Femius Koenderink (AMOLF) and industrial partner ASML.
Read more about the OTP projects on the NWO website.