ARCNL group leader Arie den Boef appointed as Fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Working closely with people in industry and academia during the past years has enabled den Boef to really get to know both work environments and how they can best find each other. Den Boef is convinced that the Netherlands will be able to take major steps forward if close connections between industry and academia – as happens at a small scale at ARCNL – become much more widespread. Den Boef says, “the Netherlands Academy of Engineering wishes to connect engineering and science to create societal and economic value. I am happy to get this opportunity to contribute to this using the experiences I have had during these past years.”
Many of the NAE Fellows are experts from knowledge organizations, companies and start-ups. They work in different fields, amongst which High Tech Systems and Materials, ICT, Healthcare, Energy, Water Management and Food. Starting next year, NAE will choose 10 new Fellows a year.
Den Boef and the other Fellows will be inaugurated on Monday, November 13 in the Nieuwe Kerk in The Hague.
More information on the NAE website.