Tribology symposium 2023 - Speakers

Date: 07-11-2023
Time: 9.00-17.00
Location: ARCNL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Rob Carpick

Understanding Wear of Carbon-based Materials at the Atomic Scale

Rob Carpick, Towne Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (University of Pennsylvania), studies nanotribology, nanomechanics, mechanochemistry, and scanning probes. He received AVS’ Nanotechnology Recognition Award, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Newkirk Award, a R&D 100 award, and a NSF CAREER Award. He is a Fellow of ASME, American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, AVS, and the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. He has 10 patents and over 200 journal publications. His B.Sc. (U. Toronto, 1991) and Ph.D. (U. California Berkeley, 1997) are in Physics, and he was a postdoctoral at Sandia National Laboratory.

Graham Cross

Suppression of friction and wear at the microscale under exteme tribological conditions

Graham Cross, FTCD is Associate Professor Physics and PI in the AMBER/CRANN Nanomaterials Institute at Trinity College Dublin. After his Ph.D. on atomic scale indentation at McGill U. (Montréal, Canada), Prof. Cross worked on atomic-force microscopy (AFM) based data storage for IBM Research in Zürich, Switzerland as an FCAR Fellow. At Trinity College his research highlights include fundamental studies of size effects in polymer melt processing flows and discovery of macro-scale self-assembly and superlubricity in graphene. He has commercialized diamond nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), spinning out a profitable start-up company (Adama Innovations Ltd.) Prof. Cross leads research collaborations in superlubricity (EIC SSLiP project) and 2D material self-assembly (SFI Pleatronics project) as well as participating in nanoscale moulding (EU FLOIM), nanowire metrology (EuroMet NanoWires) and 2D material composites (SFI AMBER II) projects.

Yutao Pei

Self-adaptive and self-healing tribocoatings

Professor Pei’s group is devoted to advance engineering materials and processing technology for smart manufacturing of complex materials and products, with a special focus on laser materials processing (additive manufacturing, welding, cladding, ultra-short pulse laser ablation), physical vapor and magnetron sputter deposition processes, nanofabrication, surface engineering and tribology. The research currently performed by the group covers the development and fabrication of self-healing materials, high entropy alloys, nano-structured materials for energy storage, functional coatings and surface modification. His research approach involves fundamental understanding and application of surface engineering and production engineering on diverse materials systems in fields such as automotive industry, chemical, manufacturing, biomedical and health care.

Martin Dienwiebel

Influence of environment on the shear strength between coatings and wafer backsides

Martin Dienwiebel studied Physics at the University Dortmund and the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn. He conducted his diploma research at the Forschungszentrum Jülich using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. He performed his doctoral research with Joost Frenken at the Institute for Atomic and molecular Physics in Amsterdam, the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory in Leiden and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Martin Dienwiebel obtained his PhD 2003 at Leiden University on the topic “Superlubricity of Graphite”.

Afterwards he worked in the Tribology department of IAVF Antriebstechnik AG. 2008 he received an Emmy-Noether grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and set up a junior research group at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM. 2011 obtained his habilitation from KIT and 2016 he took a Heisenberg-Professur for Applied Nanotribology.

Since 2017 Martin Dienwiebel is a visiting professor at Kumamoto University in Japan und there, a member of the Advanced Structural Materials Group of IROAST.

Clelia Righi

Tribochemistry and wear mechanisms at the diamond-silica interface uncovered by ab initio simulations

M. Clelia Righi is full Professor at the Physics Department of Bologna University, Italy. Her research activity focuses on the development and application of computational tools to design materials and study their behavior through in silico experiments. She adopted pioneering approaches in computational tribology and applied them for the study of lubricant additives, solid lubricants and coatings. She has long-standing collaborations with multinational industries operating in the energy, semiconductor, and automotive sectors. In 2019 she received an ERC consolidator grant for the project “Advancing solid interfaces and lubricants by first principles material design” (SLIDE).

Antoine Kempen

Nano Tribology at ASML

Antoine Kempen is System Engineer and Fellow at ASML. He works on boundary between systems engineering and materials science: where-ever materials are enabling for the system. Currently the system of interest is the DUV wafertable, in the past, also defectivity, EUV source tin management, EUV collector and optics lifetime were his responsibilities.

Antoine studied Materials Science at the Delft University of Technology, and received is PhD at the University Stuttgart on the topic of solid state phase transformation kinetics.

There are 3 main area’s where ASML has significant challenges in the field of nano tribology. All of these are external interfaces: wafers and reticles. The EUV , DUV wafer clamps and the EUV reticle will be considered here, with each their own challenges. These will be addressed, and will be summarized in a few hopefully challenging questions to the audience at the end.